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Moving on to new begininge Moving on to new begininge
Finding a place to call home
Moving back here allows us to have the Sunday night tradition I had with my grandparents.

For Rachel and Jesse Mumm, watching their children develop the independence that comes with growing up in the country is a daily reminder of why their family made the move in the first place.

Whether it’s helping in the garden, hunting in the woods or just playing in the nearby creek, life in rural southwestern Wisconsin is everything the couple wanted for their two kids, Blake, 9, and Jordyn, 7.

“We felt like the kids needed to be more in nature,” Jesse said. “We wanted to let them explore their own avenues.”

But the journey to the Mumms’ life in the country wasn’t always an easy one, and at times, the dream seemed out of reach. Still, the family wouldn’t trade their new life for anything.

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A dream opportunity falls through

Looking to move out of their town home in Lancaster, Wisconsin and into the country, Rachel and Jesse first toured the property in April of 2021. Immediately, the couple had high hopes it would be their future home.

“It was a nice little secluded paradise that we just kind of fell in love with,” Rachel said.

Both avid hunters, Rachel and Jesse were drawn to the expansive wooded areas on the property. But the property’s size also proved a challenge when the couple looked at getting a loan on the property.

Because the property, which originally spanned 139 acres, included so much farmable land, the Mumms were unable to get a federal loan.

Already frustrated with the process, the family felt defeated when the owner unexpectedly had to take the property off the market.

“We really had let it go at that point, which was devastating to us because we were so in love with it,” Rachel said. “But we knew we wouldn't be able to swing it without having any sort of assistance.”

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A second chance

Still determined to make the move to the country, the Mumms looked at other properties. But nothing could compare to that first one.

Six months after their dreams fell through the cracks, the family got news they couldn’t believe. In October of 2021, the owner reached back out and offered them the property again, only this time with a more affordable proposal.

“At that point, we were both like, ‘Absolutely, let's jump on it,’” Rachel said.

The owner planned to split the property this time, meaning the Mumms could purchase the house and 77 acres, which included most of the wooded area that was so important to their hunting aspirations.

Finding a partner in Compeer

Knowing the loan process could again be complicated, Rachel and Jesse looked for other routes. That’s when the couple found out about Compeer Financial, which specializes in rural properties, through a friend and fellow employee.

Through Compeer, the Mumms met their loan officer, Jenny Layton. Immediately, the family knew this time would be different. Layton assured the couple that the same hurdles they faced the first time around wouldn’t be a problem for Compeer.

Layton also walked the couple through every step of the survey process, which was required to split up the land ahead of the sale.

“They were so excited about the property,” Layton said. “If there was anything we could do at Compeer to not let that property slip through their fingers, our team was on board to help get it done.”

And with the help of Layton and Compeer, the Mumms closed on their dream home in January of 2022.

Moving back here allows us to have the Sunday night tradition I had with my grandparents.

A place to grow

Now settled in their home, the Mumms know the journey to the country was worth it. The family has taken full advantage of everything the property has to offer, from growing their own food to raising chickens and of course, getting out to hunt this fall.

And Blake even shot his second buck this year. It’s moments like these that demonstrate why growing up in the country is so special.

“We wanted to take this plunge while the kids were young,” Rachel said. “If it's something that you are really passionate and driven about, you just have to do it because life is short.”